Step 1:
Login to Asknlearn, and on the left under 'My Tools', click on it and you will be to see 'e-Portfolio'.
Step 2:
Click on 'e-Portfolio' and it will lead you to its homepage. Then you will need to look for 'Browse e-Portfolio'
Step 3:
Click on 'Latest' and it will show you 'Science Learning' with the author's name - Roy Wong. In there, you would be able to see the links of the 4 files I had shared with you this morning in Cyberland 2. Save these files into your computer for future access.
These PowerPoint slides and notes are the summary and key essence of the concepts and information you need to study for CA1. They are really helpful for your understanding of these few topics I have covered for the past few weeks. Please make an effort to study them.